What is MultiGP Drone Racing League?
Along with the DRL, the MultiGP league is one of the biggest pioneers in the drone sports. With over 22,000 active members the league is making tremendous steps in the growing of this new branch of e-Sports. Since it’s founding in 2015 the league has organized over 2500 drone racing events worldwide. Above all MultiGP is the only drone racing league that promises improvements of new members within the league. It mainly aspires new ambitious racers to commit to the sport.

Early Beginnings
As the founder of the league, Chris Thomas started organizing events in the beginning of 2015. At the time many young drone enthusiasts were forming local flying clubs throughout Florida. He first started making moves in his local club named Brevard Multirotor. The club was in a desperate need for someone to organize events and help the pilots by managing video frequencies. Thomas immediately took this opportunity started organizing events in Central Florida. His first notable move was helping with the organization of CFL FPV event. The event took place in Leesburg in March 2015.
Since then 3 more members stepped in as co-founders. The team grew the league noticeably earning many awards.
The league also pioneered in creating a software which helps assign video frequencies in real time. It also allows the pilots to check-in slots when they arrive for a race. This first software for the league was named RaceSync. Later on they partnered with LiveTime FPV. In August 2017 it became the league’s Official Timing Partner.
In 2018 the DRL and MultiGP partnered using their resourcesfor making bigger and better events.
The MultiGP league has over 22,000 pilots. They come fromevery part of the world. The pilots come in all sizes and shapes, races andages. Most of them come from the US. Some of the most notable pilots whoactively participate in the events are TimJC (USA), DonnyG (USA), MustangFreak(USA), FireCode (Mexico) and Zenith (Canada). Each country has it’s ownambassador of the sport that spreads the sport throughout it’s people.
The league is actively organizing events during the whole year in many places worldwide. Unlike DRL, the MultiGP league is helping with the improvement of other events other than their own.
The big event is the Bot-Ober Fest held in an airforce base in Columbus (USA). The event will take place on 20th October 2018 with a ticket price of 25 USD.

This November was marked with the Flite Fest in Texas. The event lest 4 days, from November

2019 starts with the 2018 Drone Racing Championship. It will take place in Las Vegas from the 8th until 10th of February.
More info is available on the MultiGP official site.
However, these events are just small pieces of the pie when it comes to the number of events held yearly. The only difference is that these events are flaming hot!
Future predicaments for the League
The drones’ world is expanding rapidly in the last 3 years. This is especially noticeable in the world of Drone Sports. Most of the leagues and drone organizations had their start somewhere in 2015. The drones, becoming the leading factors in many fields of our social life, drone sports certainly is going to make a big boom.
If we look at these past years since the founding of the league, the league is in a constant grow partnering with influential factors in the world of drones. It also has many worldwide gigants investing and sponsoring the growing of the sport, through its biggest ambassador the MultiGP league. One such sponsor is the Swiss Watch brand Swatch.
While nobody can accurately predict the future, one thing is for sure. The league will keep growing along with the sport and all the other drone branches.